Thursday, May 7, 2020

Effective Workplace Teams - 2927 Words

EFFECTIVE WORKPLACE TEAMS A team is a group of people working as an organisation. Teams can be of varying sizes, working independently or inter-linked within other teams. All work organisations operate more effectively as a team. Each persons role can be treated as individual but ultimately will be more successful when integrated with others. It is imperative that there is good communication between all parties, acceptance of diversity and harmonious unity. Some key elements that make a good team are:- Having a clear and shared vision of growth and development Common goals, strategies and tactics Effective feedback Ongoing evaluation A team is a group of links and within these links there will invariably be a weak link. It is†¦show more content†¦In an ideal world team members come together with a common goal, agree a plan of action, iron out their differences and get on with the job in hand. A crisis is dealt with, all the disparate elements come together, and even if the solution isnt found till the eleventh hour, the deadlines are met and the project is finished. Peoples commitment is inaugural. Of course this doesnt always happen and therefore is the responsibility of the Project Manager to ensure that every effort is in place to ensure a successful outcome. In reality petty squabbles can result in verbal (and in some cases physical) battles, hidden agendas knock things off course, deadlines keep getting pushed back and frustration takes over. The project becomes stagnant and the team struggle to progress. Somewhere along the line theres a lack of commitment, it didnt exist, or more important other unrelated tasks were given priority. Planning a project well is a significant component to success but there is also the issue of, its the people, not the processes that make things happen. Dealing with the people aspect of project management is about accepting the fact that people are not always going to like each other, there will be arguments, there will be disagreement as to the best way forward, butShow MoreRelated Work Environment Paper1015 Words   |  5 PagesEvery workplace is unique in terms of their diversity profile therefore, is it vital for organization to create and execute creative communication methodologies that will enable organizations to develop a community rather than just your average run of the mill work environment. For example, active listening, collective goal setting and consistent training are all examples of tools in which organizations can effectively use to promote and execute effective communication within the workplace. 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