Monday, August 24, 2020

Real Student Advice on College Interviews

Got a school talk with coming up yet not certain what's in store? s have you secured. Sourced from 60,000+ fruitful application documents, our understudies share their school talk with stories in detail, from regular inquiries posed to tone of discussion, perceive how the meeting affected their confirmations result. ajaxx513 College of Pennsylvania 20 My best meeting by a wide margin was my telephone meet. From the outset, I totally feared having a meeting via telephone since I for one dont sound that energetic or energized. I had no clue about how to sell myself without being there face to face. Notwithstanding, I ended up to be significantly increasingly articulate on the grounds that I wasnt sitting directly before them, so I didnt feel about as much weight. I sounded much progressively loose and didnt get as apprehensive in light of the fact that I called from my room where I was agreeable. I really had much more to state about myself and my inclinations being loose via telephone than plunking down with my questioner. In the event that your questioner gives you the alternative of a telephone meet, unquestionably do it on the off chance that you get apprehensive gathering new individuals face to face. Most basic inquiries posed in my meetings: 1. Educate me regarding yourself. 2. Why driven you to apply to X school? (Uniqueness!!) 3. What do you like to do in your leisure time? 4. What do you intend to contemplate? Why? 5. What started your enthusiasm for __? 6. What clubs/associations would you say you are as of now in? 7. What clubs do you intend to join at X school? 8. What are you designs after student? 9. What makes you interesting? One final tip: Try to show that you have an enthusiasm, without really utilizing the word energy. Stanford2020 Stanford University 20 No inquiries truly found me napping on the grounds that I had arranged generally what I would state to the standard inquiries like Tell me about yourself, Describe your greatest disappointment and what you realized, Why this school?, What might you bring to this school? and so forth. I would propose doing likewise as a great deal of these come up. There are heaps of arrangements of regular inquiries on the web. I would likewise suggest acclimating yourself with current issues, which didnt come up in my meetings, yet have come up in a portion of my companions. First class schools are searching for individuals who are mentally inquisitive and dont simply study to get passing marks, so it would look downright terrible in the event that you had no clue about what was happening in your general surroundings. They were likewise considerably more conversational in nature than I expected - I would frequently just be posed a few inquiries in the entire hour since they would be intrigued by my answers and a characteristic discussion would create. Lmelcher Columbia University 20 Harvard, Yale, and Princeton: Amazing meetings. Every wa around 40 minutes in length. There were no hardball inquiries in any of them. They would essentially ask me about myself and for what good reason I needed to go to their school. Toward the end, every one of them said they would give a sparkling review.Advice: Research the school. Completely. Come outfitted with names of offices, teachers, classes, lab offices, everything. Treat each school like its your top decision. No graduated class questioner needs to want to apply to their school was only a burden.Jpm13 College of Rochester ‘20 I met with 4 schools, which I portray the experience and inquiries they posed beneath. Recollect that each meeting is unique, and the most ideal approach to get ready is to truly hear what youre saying. Be prepared to discuss your secondary school contribution in incredible detaildont burn through your time remembering news stories just in the event that they ask you new-related inquiries. By and large, dont fret a lot over the meeting. Its not extremely critical. I have companions who had awful (like completely horrendous) talk with encounters yet at the same time got into their top schools. The schools I had great meeting encounters with (Harvard explicitly) I didnt get into. The most ideal approach to pro a meeting is to be set up to discuss yourself a great deal. Ask yourself what you need questioners to know. Dont be worried about being interesting or excessively exhausting. Youre not going to be acknowledged/prevented in light of the fact that from securing that. Offer your story and show authentic enthusiasm for the school. thefuzzhead1 College of Southern California 20 Continue understanding books! Not simply feeble anecdotal stories with no profundity (this incorporates Harry Potter generally, trust me). Attempt exemplary writing or even true to life, possibly follow the NY Times or some other stuff on it. Neglecting to escape your center school James Patterson-John Green-JK Rowling-Rick Riordan trench is awful. Practice the hard inquiries before the meeting. Educate me concerning yourself. For what reason would you like to go to ___? and so on and so on. You can practice (that is not the correct word; what you state ought not be the equivalent each time. Simply let if stream, dont have a precise content, yet have ideas, similar to a bulleted rundown or stream outline) before a mirror or with someone else. Or then again even a gathering - that wouldve assisted with my Jefferson Scholars meet.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Health Care Reform Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Medicinal services Reform - Essay Example Lawyers speaking to the province of Missouri affirm that 71.4% of voters in this state are not on the side of this demonstration. Among disappointed voters are the old people getting medicare. Under current laws barring the entry of the Health Care Art old people fit the bill for specific projects because of their age. The Health Care Act will take out huge numbers of these projects leaving seniors to pay huge sums for social insurance administrations. Virginia lawyers in a different claim guarantee the Health Care Act expects people to buy medical coverage inclusion or pay extra premiums. With the decision left between paying extra premiums and old people compelled to make up for medicare benefits/programs lost numerous people are thinking about how they will endure monetarily. As per Glover(2010), A lady revealed to Lauer she needs to settle on a choice every month on whether to make the house installment or doctor prescribed medications. We shouldn't must have those circumstances going, she said (pp. 16). Under the new reconstruction of this demonstration people that don't buy medical coverage will be required to take care of a yearly punishment of $695.00 leaving numerous people baffled. Anyway dissatisfactions reach out past these two states. Separate claims have been documented in twenty-one states asserting established rights are in infringement.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Word of the Week! Laconic Richmond Writing

Word of the Week! Laconic Richmond Writing I would like to be more laconic in my replies. Its a gift. The art of the terse, but meaningful, statement can be lost on academics. We professors write, as one student in my class today put it, by spewing ideas. Can a critical idea be expressed in a few words? I think so. Thats the art of a laconic statement. The terms origin is Greek, referring to Laconia, the region where the ancient city of Sparta can be found. The term spartan has come to mean minimalist. Think of a laconic statement that way. Ive read several about historical instances of a laconic reply, but none work better than what the Spartans said to Philip of Macedonia, father of Alexander The Great. During his campaign to unite Greece, he warned Sparta that You are advised to submit without further delay, for if I bring my army into your land, I will destroy your farms, slay your people, and raze your city. The official reply of the Spartan government? If. Millennia later, General McAuliffe of the US 101st Airborne, surrounded by the German Army at Bastogne, replied Nuts! to the demand that he surrender. Truly a Spartan, in spirit. We can find laconic statements far from the battlefield. Here Im thinking of how we understate a real problem, even a disaster, by calling it an issue.   A relative of few words once quipped about a tightwads unwillingness, that would require spending money. Succinct, understated, direct: do you ever express yourself that way? Can academics? Maybe. Please send us words and metaphors useful in academic writing by e-mailing me (jessid -at- richmond -dot- edu) or leaving a comment below. See all of our Metaphors of the Month  here  and Words of the Week  here. Image of ancient Sparta courtesy of Wikipedia.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Anne Robert Jacques Turgot and His Relevance to the French...

Introduction Anne Robert Jaques Turgot, baron l Aulne, was born in Paris on May 10, 1727 to a noble French family of Normandy. Following in the footsteps of his ancestors, who had furnished the state with numerous public officials, Turgot would achieve public renown as Intendent of Limoges and later as Controller General of all France. Although Turgot ended his public career in unfortunate circumstances, being dismissed by Louis XVI for ineffectiveness, his political theories became a major influence in the remaining years of the Old Regime. The depth of Turgots economic thought was not recognized at the time because it largely went against what the ruling aristocracy wanted to hear. His clairvoyance is much more fully noted in†¦show more content†¦It would certainly not be able to handle every instance of fraud and as it is compelled to regulate more and more the progress of industry would suffer. Turgot also touched on the subject of taxation by calling for a single tax on the net product of the land. Turgot feelings on taxation are found in more an outline than a paper called Plan for a Paper on Taxation in General written in 1763. He felt that taxes on towns tended to shift backward to agriculture and illustrated how taxation crippled commerce. Taxes on capital destroyed accumulated thrift and seriously hampered industry. Turgot, therefore, advocated a single land tax. Unfortunately, Turgots tax theories concentrated on the destructive forms and largely avoided discussing the supposed merits of the single land tax. Turgots preceding ideas are largely in accordance with Physiocrat teaching. The Physiocrats were a group of enlightened economic reformers whose theories of loosening government restriction and imposing a single land tax became popular in the 1760s. While Turgot is largely in agreement in this area, it is important to notice, in passing, that in other economic spheres Turgot often breaks with and improves Physiocrat doctrines. To label him just another land-productivity theorist in the mold of the Physiocrats is a grave injustice. However, for our purposes, one may make that connection. It is fundamentally

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Effective Workplace Teams - 2927 Words

EFFECTIVE WORKPLACE TEAMS A team is a group of people working as an organisation. Teams can be of varying sizes, working independently or inter-linked within other teams. All work organisations operate more effectively as a team. Each persons role can be treated as individual but ultimately will be more successful when integrated with others. It is imperative that there is good communication between all parties, acceptance of diversity and harmonious unity. Some key elements that make a good team are:- Having a clear and shared vision of growth and development Common goals, strategies and tactics Effective feedback Ongoing evaluation A team is a group of links and within these links there will invariably be a weak link. It is†¦show more content†¦In an ideal world team members come together with a common goal, agree a plan of action, iron out their differences and get on with the job in hand. A crisis is dealt with, all the disparate elements come together, and even if the solution isnt found till the eleventh hour, the deadlines are met and the project is finished. Peoples commitment is inaugural. Of course this doesnt always happen and therefore is the responsibility of the Project Manager to ensure that every effort is in place to ensure a successful outcome. In reality petty squabbles can result in verbal (and in some cases physical) battles, hidden agendas knock things off course, deadlines keep getting pushed back and frustration takes over. The project becomes stagnant and the team struggle to progress. Somewhere along the line theres a lack of commitment, it didnt exist, or more important other unrelated tasks were given priority. Planning a project well is a significant component to success but there is also the issue of, its the people, not the processes that make things happen. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Tracking Measuring Crime Free Essays

In Chapter 3 of our text we learn how about the different tools to track crime, criminal behaviors, measure crime, and crime rate. Discuss and define the different types of measuring tools used such as the UCR, National Incident-based reporting, victim surveys, and self-reported survey. Discuss both the positives and negative of each of the methods used to measure crime. We will write a custom essay sample on Tracking Measuring Crime or any similar topic only for you Order Now Then respond to at least two peer posts. 1. Discuss and define the different types of measuring tools used such as the UCR. The Uniformed Crime Report; (UCR): This is a report used by the Federal Bureau of Investigations; this report aids the FBI by giving them an indication as to criminal activities her in the United States. The FBI collects its data of information from all the Law Enforcement Agencies here in the USA. Upon receiving all the current activity throughout the USA, the FBI is able to generate with almost complete accuracy as to the type of crime, as well as what, when, where, and why a type of incident may occur. The (UCR) is based on three parts. (a) The accurate number of people arrested. b) The number of Crimes reported by Victims, witnesses, or the police themselves. (c) The number of Law Enforcement Officers. Upon the FBI receiving all the required data, the data is then compiles the information and it is then presented in two important ways: 1a. I have read that in according to our learning material, class book. (â€Å"Criminal Justice in Action†). By, Larry K. Gaines, Roger Le roy Miller if you look back at the year 2010, it was composed of people totaling 100,000 individual, the Crime rate was reported to be 3,346 reports over all in the United States. These reports were considered Part I class offences, as these types of criminal activity are the more serious type crimes one can commit, as they range from Murder, Bank Robbery, Forcible Rape, Aggravated Battery, Robbery, BE, Larceny / Theft, Auto Theft, and even Arson (Fire) not naturally caused, caused by mankind. 1b. Now there is also Part II Offenses which consist of all other criminal activity from Loitering all the way to Vagrancy and any other laws that go against one State, County, or Municipal City level. These types of crimes happen often and because of their commonality with every day Society the percentage usually will usually out way Part I Criminal Offenses. 1C. I truly believe that this system was a great way to pinpoint criminal activity for this period of time, when first placed into effect this was an exceptional system for the Law Enforcement Agencies to be able to apply common sense criminal activity, whereas a prediction of what type of crime may occur. Now one must realize that this tool was only effective as the Officers who filed reports willingly and timely, as crime rate would rise reporting would dwindle. This could be due to pride, as each agency and the officer that belonged to its organization. The many Local Law Enforcement Agencies frowned upon the interference of the FBI creating errors in the actual percentage of active crime in any given period of time. This was not an error in the Tool reporting, but Human error over jealousy between Local, State, and County Law Officials against Federal direction involvement 2. Discuss and define the National Incident-Based Reporting System. The (NIBRS) has come into play because the (UCR) was with flaw. The FBI and several State Law Enforcement agencies are currently operating under the National Incident Based Reporting System as it was introduced since the 1980’s. The (NIBRS) was found to be a more productive way in pinpointing Criminal Activity. It was required that each Local Law Enforcement Agency were to call in all Criminal Activity within twenty-two different offences categories. The (NIBRS) is made up of forty-six specific crimes classified as Group Offenses, all these offenses are recorded on a computerized record system on a daily basis which is provided though not fully financed by the Federal Government. The (NIBS) was introduced to the local agencies in 1989 and has take twenty-two years to reach 36 States, allowing on average of up to 40% of all agencies within those States to utilize the new system. Thought the system is limited, criminologists have acted out enthusiastically because how the new system can provide information. The system provides about for data sets that include Offenses, Victims, Offenders, and daily arrestees. This newer system has truly outweighed the Uniformed Crime Report, aka; (UCR). 3. The NIBRS is a new methodology for the Uniform Crime Report. It is stronger than the UCR because it collects more detailed information about the crimes. One of the strength is the recording of relationships between the victim and offender, another is the use of 22 categories of crime, and another is the fact that multiple crimes can be reported in one incident. http://wiki. answers. om/Q/Strengths_of_NIBRS: (Bing. com Search Web – Link). 4. Discuss and define the victim surveys. The victim survey is just what it says. The survey was performed by our own government in order to find out who and how many individuals suffered by becoming a victim of a crime. These victims who responded were innocent of crime, as the criminal act was against them by the hand of another. The actual definition of Vict im Survey is: A method in which gathering information which requires a participant that is anyone willing to open up to Government Law Enforcement whether it be Local or Federal. Participants; participants must be willing to reveal in detail any incidents of a criminal activity brought against them or any criminal act they may have committed. I truly believe that if given the opportunity to feel safe, many individuals would come through in order to clean up their community and keep the rest of society thankful. It is truly sad, however; I believe that less if not any would want to either testify against another anymore. Since 1989, many have come to fear repercussion for opening up to the Law unless they truly feel safe guarded by the chances of being reduced to ash. 5. Discuss and define the self-reported survey. The principles are nearly the same, however; it only focuses on offenders. Offenders are individuals who have committed crimes and never were arrested, nor even cited for the crime they have committed in the past. I truly find this to be an informative way to create better laws within a society it is like we use to say in the Marine Corps, â€Å"It’s to keep an honest person honest. † I believe that if in the right situation and at the right time a survey should conducted again just to see what crimes even though they me be petty ones are being conducted by the populous. I also believe that there unintentional crime that every person may be guilty of a good example of a small petty crime that many never catch onto is the taken of a Government ink pen that was purchased with government funds. I was guilty of this numerous times as I would remove the pen from my desk off the base without any knowledge until I was already off the base in route to home. 6. Well, I want to state that there are many positive factors when you come right down to it. I believe that both the (UCR), as well as the (NIBRS) re very useful because it truly provides a better means to track crime and one can use this information to create a better means in reducing crime, All it takes is for each officer to make sure that their reports are finished and that everyone that has been detained is placed into the report process. Crime is always going to exist and if tracking each Part one Offense is quickly placed into the system an accurate report can be generated. Now, nothing is ever f lawless and there are many factors that bring out the negative perspective in the failure of these two systems. One each agency needs to share and at time sharing information between each agency is like telling a deaf dog to fetch. What I am stating is that if an agency is not willing to open up and share information then there will be definite negative accountability in the accuracy in the percentages of these tools they use to generate the percentage of crime. I also believe that News agencies also report thing wrong more often than none, only because of inaccurate reporting due to human error. All Law Enforcement Agencies no matter if they are State or Federal, as each agency needs to operate as a team. Each Division when compiling data and criminal trends. Need to reflect and show exactly whether they are Part I, or Part II Offenses. I also believe that as a society we should be given surveys to be answered every eight to ten years like that of the Population Census Report. I honestly believe that if this were a tool used often we could narrow down crime and fight back to win over a Nation at odds with issues of Law. As I have mentioned earlier, many will willingly open up to self surveys as long as no repercussion is given to the ones who answer honestly. Many feel fear when it comes to reporting crime and this is another factor in misrepresentation of percentage of actual crime committed. 7. Let’s take a look at what has been recently placed on world news by Good Morning America about the FBI investigation that has been taking place here in Albuquerque, NM for the first two weeks in March, 2013 an Officer is on trial for the wrongful Shooting Death of a Marine Corps Veteran. Now if the individual’s mental health status had been placed into a shared system I honestly believe the Officer would not have shot this Marine who had suffered with PTSD and had done Crack Cocaine and was apprehended several months ago. I bet this was a Part I level offense, however along the line this was never reported properly and when these two had their confrontation well a sadden event had already occurred. This is the flaw that I mentioned and lately well after 911 all the agencies have started to revert back to their old habits and that keeping one another in the Dark. I honestly find situations like this when listening on a police scanner. It is as if one hand is not aware of the other. Uniform Crime Reports and Index of Crime in Albuquerque in the State of New Mexico enforced by Albuquerque from 1985 to 2005 Number of Violent Crimes Reported by Albuquerque by Year and Total| Year|   Population| Murder/ Man- slaughter| Rape| Robbery| Aggravated Assault| Total Violent Crime| 2005| 490,631| 53| 285| 1,150| 3,182| 4,670| 2004| 479,074| 44| 235| 1,238| 3,206| 4,723| 2003| 468,764| 52| 263| 1,080| 3,045| 4,440| 2002| 457,488| 54| 293| 1,295| 3,250| 4,892| 2001| 451,098| 36| 219| 1,610| 3,396| 5,261| 000| 448,607| 38| 239| 1,547| 3,317| 5,141| 1995| 419,714| 56| 296| 1,623| 2,763| 4,738| 1990| 384,736| 35| 222| 1,030| 3,835| 5,122| 1985| 357,051| 43| 238| 1,247| 2,578| 4,106| 1980| 328,837| 52| 217| 914| 1,630| 2,813| | New Mexico Counties| In 1930, the FBI assumed responsibility for managing the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program, collecting data from 400 cities. By 2006, over 15,000 law enforcement agencies submitted crime reports to the FBI, but since not all jurisdictions provide reports there is a possibility that you won’t find complete data on some of our agency crime report pages. In every case where the FBI has assigned a population to a jurisdiction, we are providing a page even though it may be blank. When a city located in a county starts submitting its own reports, the population assigned to the county is reduced to reflect that fact. Number of Property Crimes  Reported by Albuquerque by Year and Total. UCR Crime Statistics prepared by the: The Disaster Center in association with the: Index of the State of New Mexico Uniform Crime Reports Index of United State’s  Crime Reports Year|   Population| Burglary| Larceny Theft| Vehicle Theft| Total Property Crime| 2005| 490,631| 5,744| 20,703| 3,796| 30,243| 004| 479,074| 5,243| 20,469| 3,845| 29,557| 2003| 468,764| 5,543| 19,663| 4,088| 29,294| 2002| 457,488| 5,452| 21,371| 4,050| 30,873| 2001| 451,098| 6,585| 23,535| 4,162| 34,282| 2000| 448,607| 7,120| 22,842| 4,349| 34,311| 1995| 419,714| 8,362| 23,461| 4,995| 36,818| 1990| 384,736| 9,497| 22,130| 1,973| 33,600| 1985| 357,051| 9,186| 17,935| 1,9 32| 29,053| 1980| 328,837| 7,469| 15,805| 1,338| 24,612| | The UCR can be presented here because of the hard work of law enforcement statisticians who must classify and score each crime according to the strict criteria developed for the UCR. Some agency’s crime reports do not have a population associated with them, these may include: the highway patrol, state police, a drug enforcement agency, an environmental enforcement agency, transportation utility, colleges, and others. Areas may have many agencies performing the same or different law enforcement functions, and a population can only be assigned once, so it is not possible to formulate a crime rate for every agency. The UCR does not include a record of every crime reported to law enforcement, and every agency does not submit data in the form that the FBI requests. The most accurate number of crimes reported are those involving death. The least  accurate is  the number of rapes that are reported. The number of case of rape reported does not include attempted rapes. Aggravated Assault does not include cases of simple assault, (which are the largest number of assaults reported to police) and so constitutes only a portion of the total number of reported assaults. The number of Aggravated Assaults used here was arrived at by subtracting the number of Simple Assaults from  the Total Assaults reported by each agency. For a few agencies, this process resulted in the generation of a negative number (their UCR report wrongly indicates that there were more simple assaults  than the total number of reported assaults). The magnitude of a threat/risk is measured by its frequency and effect. By this definition crime may well constitute the  single greatest risk/threat we face today. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, please see our  FAQ page  first at:  http://www. disastercenter. com/UCR. html  and feel free to post a message to  host@disastercenter. com. National Criminal Victimization Survey, 1996 estimate that only   37% of rapes are reported to police The Disaster Center  provides online coverage of disasters in the United States, compiling and providing links to disaster related statistics and studies:  US Crimes  Data from 1960  Ã‚  Tornado,  Illnesses, Fatal  Motor Vehicle Traffic Injury and Fatality Data,  Ã‚  Child Nursery Equipment and Toys: Accident Rates by Age,  Sports ; Recreational Equipment: Injuries by Age and Sex,  Home, Heating, Plumbing, and Appliance: Injuries by Cause, Age, and Rate,  Furniture, furnishings, household, and personal use items: Accident injury rates by Age,  Home, Work Tools and Misc. Items: Accident Injury rates by Age. US Cause of Death Data  ,  US Anti–terrorism Threat/Risk Policy prior to September 11, 2001,  Ã‚  US Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Terrorism Policy prior to 9–11  Ã‚  Atlantic Hurricane pages and index. Total student, Number of school–associated Violent Deaths and Number of Homicides and Suicides of Youth Ages 5–19, by Location: 1992–2002  Ã‚  Crimes and Indexes for USA Metropolitan Statistical Areas   Violent Crime Index base upon 100,000 People. Year|   Population| Murder/ Man- slaughter| Rape| Robbery| Aggravated Assault| Total Violent Crime| 2005| 490,631| 10. | 58. 1| 234. 4| 648. 6| 951. 8| 2004| 479,074| 9. 2| 49. 1| 258. 4| 669. 2| 985. 9| 2003| 468,764| 11. 1| 56. 1| 230. 4| 649. 6| 947. 2| 2002| 457,488| 11. 8| 64. 0| 283. 1| 710. 4| 1,069. 3| 2001| 451,098| 8. 0| 48. 5| 356. 9| 752. 8| 1,166. 3| 2000| 448,607| 8. 5| 53. 3| 344. 8| 739. 4| 1,146. 0| 1995| 419,714| 13. 3| 70. 5| 386. 7| 658. 3| 1,128. 9| 1990| 384,736| 9. 1| 57. 7| 267. 7| 996. 8| 1,331. 3| 1985| 357,051| 12. 0| 66. 7| 349. 2| 722. 0| 1,150. 0| 1980| 328,837| 15. 8| 66. 0| 277. 9| 495. 7| 855. 4| Property Crime Index per 100,000 People. | | | | | Year|   Population| Burglary| Larceny Theft| Vehicle Theft| Total Property Crime| 2005| 490,631| 1,170. 7| 4,219. 7| 773. 7| 6,164. 1| 2004| 479,074| 1,094. 4| 4,272. 6| 802. 6| 6,169. 6| 2003| 468,764| 1,182. 5| 4,194. 6| 872. 1| 6,249. 2| 2002| 457,488| 1,191. 7| 4,671. 4| 885. 3| 6,748. 4| 2001| 451,098| 1,459. 8| 5,217. 3| 922. 6| 7,599. 7| 2000| 448,607| 1,587. 1| 5,091. 8| 969. 4| 7,648. 3| 1995| 419,714| 1,992. 3| 5,589. 8| 1,190. 1| 8,772. 2| 1990| 384,736| 2,468. 4| 5,752. 0| 512. 8| 8,733. 3| 1985| 357,051| 2,572. 7| 5,023. | 541. 1| 8,136. 9| 1980| 328,837| 2,271. 3| 4,806. 3| 406. 9| 7,484. | This report was provided by: (Google Search – (URL); Http://www. disastercenter. com/newmexic/crime/8543. htm). This link will take one to view a n actual published (UCR); provided by Albuquerque, New Mexico City Law Enforcement. Now, currently have a much broader reason why this report even though more accurate still is with Flaws as Rape Victims especially Female are more likely to not report their encounter after suffering from unwanted sexual activity that was consensual. Now, as we are aware natural disasters occur around the United States. I find it true that it is actually impossible to provide a true accurate account of class type of crime whether it be Offense I, or Offense II type. This is why during a Disaster it is up to each and every person Moral obligation of duty to report any and all crime, however; just because it is the ethical approach, not all in Society would report such crimes. Then there are the crimes that gone not unseen just unreported by the many in Society that believe, â€Å"See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil! means safety from the criminal elements as they Reported no wrong against themselves and others. We, as a notion of laws that are governed by both Federal and State need to put the word out in a manner that truly allows one to be safe of retaliation of others. Then there is the elderly who have and are today being abused as they are an easy target every walk of life. The elderly fear retaliation like any other pe rson who fears the fact that they are unprotected because there are more people committing crime than preventing crime How to cite Tracking Measuring Crime, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Rime Of Ancient Mariner Essays - Christian Soteriology, Repentance

Rime Of Ancient Mariner The poem is a parable of the road between sin and repentance. The ancient mariner is telling of the fall or the sin itself. The journey of the sinner is a lonely one, which is the feeling received by the land of ice. The journey is storm tossed and full of fear. There is a price to pay for sinning and the road of repentance is full of ups and downs. The mariner tries to pray, but is unable because of not having complete repentance in his heart. Once he accepts and admits of his sin, he is uplift and guided home. Upon reaching home he must continue to tell of the path of sin and redemption. The wedding guest is to learn the moral of love thy neighbor be it beast or human. Line 13-14 is the rising and setting of the sun Minstrelsy- a traveling singer of the middle ages Aye- [poet.] always; ever Albatross- a large, web-footed sea bird related to the petrel Serape- a heavenly being, or any of the highest order of angels Part VI lines 44-45 the departing of the angels of mercy that delivered the mariner home Last lines of part VI- the hermit could be a priest and the mariner is glad because he can hear his confession and forgive him Kirk- a church Last line of the poem- the wedding guest woke the next morning feeling depressed but informed about the story the mariner told The mariner is Coleridge and the wedding guest I think is Wordsworth.