Saturday, February 15, 2020

Discuss how an organisation's competitive advantage can be enhanced Essay - 1

Discuss how an organisation's competitive advantage can be enhanced with the introduction of new technology - Essay Example Many companies nowadays are trying to manage their businesses with the comfort and efficiency brought by the use of new technology in their operation. However, it is not only those online companies that are directly under the influence of new technology. All organisations especially those that have very complex activities rely heavily on the use of new technology. The car manufacturing industry for instance is relying greatly on the cutting-edge technology in order to meet the requirements of their customers and the prevailing market trend. In addition, the mobile communication industry and other related industries are trying to elaborate the importance of technology in order to go along well with the recent trend and development of business activities and operations in their specific areas. It is therefore a common understanding that the implementation of new technology in an organisation brings forward specific advantages and one of them is the efficiency which the bottom line is j ust to enhance the operation in order to achieve organisational goals. In line with this, new technology is strongly associated with competitive advantage. Every organisation seems to be using advanced technology, but the question remains how exactly it brings them certain competitive advantage. ... None about new technology is mentioned as part of these strategies for competitive advantage. However, it is clear that nowadays, using either one of these generic strategies would mean integrating the idea of new and existing technology. In the case of Wal-Mart as renowned retailing company in the United States, its generic strategy is low-cost for its product offerings. However, part of the institution of this strategy in the organisation is its highly computerised value-chain management system especially for its multinational and highly globalised operation. This is to ensure that whatever it has started so far can be substantially enhanced to the fullest with the integration of new technology. Wal-Mart viewed new technology as essential part of its complex operation especially that it operates at a global setting and in order for it to become sustainable when it comes to its low-cost-product strategy. Toyota is known for its focus differentiation strategy. However, in the process of creating it, the use of new technology is integrated in its entire operation. Its high level of standard quality product does not only enhance its cost advantage over its competitors but it specifically tries to say something about the image of its brand. Its brand image is associated with high level of cutting-edge technology and this means a lot to its marketing effort, strategy and eventually competitive advantage. In the age of globalisation, competition has become fierce allowing every organisation to enhance communication of their product offerings (Wetherly and Otter, 2011). Thus, individuals are bombarded with different information. The best information prevails and it is

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Policy paper-fixing health care (Zoonotic disease) Research Paper

Policy -fixing health care (Zoonotic disease) - Research Paper Example stercoralis (3%). The overall prevalence of D. immitis is 25.3% (from www.EMERGING%20PARASITES%20OF%20PUBLIC%20HEALTH%20SIGNIFICANCE ). Evaluation of the parasite burden of Tricuris tricuria in a St. Lucian community showed most of the community having a low burden of the parasite, while few members of the community had a heavy burden. 84% of t those harbouring the parasite were found to be children in the age group two to fifteen years. Children of the same age group constituted 87% of those individuals having hundred or more worms (Bundy et al, 1987). Zoonotic burden in Jamaica is to a significant extent due to the close interaction of humans and pets like dogs. 73% of the households in Jamaica maintain pet dogs. Assessment through faecal examination showed that 58% of the animals were infected with one or more of the eight helminths distributed as Uncinaria stenocecephala 26%, Ancylostoma sp. 23%, Trichuris vulpis 9%, Toxocara canis 8%, Spirocera lupi 6%, Strongyloides sp. 6%, Appphallus sp. 4%, and taenids 1% (Robinson, Thompson & Lindo, 1989). The results of the study into the Annotto Bay community in the Parish of St. Mary, Jamaica showed that 64.7% of the stool specimens of the community had one or more of the helminth species and that there was a marked age dependence demonstrated with the helminth infestation occurring most commonly in the pre-school children (Win, 1996). Screw worms or Cochliomyia hominivorax infestation in Jamaica in 1998 was 25,000. Since then an eradication program has led to its diminishing infestation in Jamaica. Between 2004 and 2007 the annual average infestation of screw worms had dipped to 2,000 and in 2008 the infestation had dropped to 452, which included twenty infestations in humans (Reid, 2008). In 2007 UNAIDS sponsored a study into the prevalence of intestinal parasites in children infected with HIV/Aids. The results of